Science Fantasy Awesome
My solo RPG actual play channel, Science Fantasy Awesome, continues to grow. As of the writing of this update, we are at 60 subscribers! It’s still a long way from where I want the channel to be and where I imagine it can go, but all the positive comments that keep coming in from across social media warm my heart and encourage me. I’m having so much fun exploring the story of the Troika campaign and the videos are a blast to make, so I’m glad that others are enjoying them as well.
Plus, we have our first fan art! Check it out!

On the left, we have Magnaza, the dancing wizard hunter by the very talented Chaocalypse. So thrilled that he took the time to make this beautiful image. Go check out his solo RPG and drawing stuff, it’s great.
On the right, we have the frostbug, drawn by my child, who was inspired after watching Episode 6: The Frostbug. Both of these images make me so, so excited.
Tarot of the Trunk guidebook
Progress continues on the guidebook for Tarot of the Trunk. Here’s a little preview snippet:

Am I having fun writing this? I might be having a little bit of fun. Working on the guidebook has inspired me to get back into swapping tarot cards for my patchwork deck. It’s always a blast to get tarot cards in the mail! Patchwork tarot is so much fun, which leads me to my next announcement…
AlleyFOLK Projects
I recently (yesterday, actually) reached out to Caleb, who had previously been organizing the AlleyFOLK projects but had stepped away several months ago, if I might take over and get the Alleyman’s Tarot fan-made booster projects up and running again. Things moved much quicker than I anticipated and I am now in charge and overseeing completion of several stalled projects. There’s a lot to get organized, but I’m taking it slow, prioritizing, and taking things one project at a time. I love the fan-created community content and I’m so glad to be a part of bringing it all back to life!
And here’s a little clip from a commercial for Network Affiliates I got to be a part of!